Attività SIMeF

Ecco le attività che SIMeF ha programmato. Ci aspettiamo una larga partecipazione ed i vostri commenti.


IBIG is pleased to share the agenda of the Forum that will be held from October 29th to 31st, 2024.

The event will take place at: Chiesi Farmaceutici in Parma.

Registrations will be accepted until all available spots are filled.

For further information, please write to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


INFORMATION FOR FORUM REGISTRATION - registration module - English instruction

                                                                                 UNTIL 07/31/24        FROM 08/01/24

SIMeF members                                                             €400 + VAT                €500 + VAT 

Non-members                                                                €500 + VAT                €600 + VAT 

IRCCS/Non-Profit/Public Institutions - IRNpoIBIG24           €400 + VAT                €500 + VAT 

Students* - STuDotIBIG24                                             €150  + VAT                €250 + VAT 


20% off for attendees presenting a poster PoFIBIG24 (not applicable to students)

20% off for registration to both course and Forum PrEcIBIG24 (not applicable to students)

25% off for registration to both course and Forum and poster presentation PstIBIG24 (not applicable to students)

Poster discount is only applicable to the first author.

*Students are those who do not have any paid professional activities. Employees or freelancers who are also studying are not eligible for the discounted student fee.

Following registration as a student, please send a document confirming your student status to the secretariat. Thank you.

After sending the correctly completed registration form, each participant will receive a confirmation email at the provided email address. To ensure successful registration, it is necessary to complete the fee payment.


Registration fee includes:

Participation to the Forum

Conference kit

Certificate of attendance

Lunches and coffee breaks

Social dinner on October 30th


Line Congress srl (Via Matteotti 68/a 20832 Desio (MB) • Tel: (+39)0362.638740 • VAT No. 05864730964) will issue the invoice for the registration.

Participants can finalize the registration by making a bank transfer payable to Line Congress Srl:


                                                 IBAN: IT66A0200833100000041054344

                                                 BIC/SWIFT: UNCRITM1341

Send a copy of the payment confirmation PDF to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.. Registrations will be accepted until all spots are filled.

Cancellation of registration

The deadline for canceling your registration is September 30th, 2024. In case of cancellation, a written notice must be sent to the Organizational Secretariat using the contacts provided in the appropriate section. After the event, Line Congress will refund the fee paid by the participant, retaining a 25% administrative fee. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after September 30th, 2024.

Name changes

Name changes can be communicated via email to the Organizational Secretariat by September 30th, 2024.

After this date, any changes must be made on the event day at the Organizational Secretariat Desk.


Event details

Event start date: 10/30/2024

Event end date: 10/31/2024

Registration start date: 05/22/2024


Registration deadline: 10/18/2024

Original price: €732.00

Discounted price: €610.00 (until 07/31/2024)

Attachment: IBIG Forum 2024 Agenda.pdf

Caratteristiche dell'evento

Inizio evento 30.10.2024
Termine evento 31.10.2024
Data inizio iscrizioni 22.05.2024
Posti 65
Iscritti 44
Disponibili 21
Chiusura iscrizioni 18.10.2024
Costo per persona €732.00
Allegato 20240725_Agenda IBIG Forum 2024.pdf
Iscrizioni concluse
€732.00 21